Professor Eytan Modiano is a member of the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), the Aeronautics and Astronautics Department and the Operations Research Center. Prior to Joining the faculty at MIT in 1999, he was a Naval Research Laboratory Fellow between 1987 and 1992, a National Research Council Post Doctoral Fellow during 1992-1993, and a member of the technical staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory between 1993 and 1999. Eytan Modiano received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Connecticut at Storrs in 1986 and his M.S. and PhD degrees, both in Electrical Engineering, from the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, in 1989 and 1992 respectively.
His research is on modeling, analysis and design of communication networks and protocols. He received the Infocom Achievement Award (2020) for contributions to the analysis and design of cross-layer resource allocation algorithms for wireless, optical, and satellite networks. He is the co-recipient of the Infocom 2018 Best paper award, the MobiHoc 2018 best paper award, the MobiHoc 2016 best paper award, the Wiopt 2013 best paper award, and the Sigmetrics 2006 best paper award. He was the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (2017-2020), and served as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. He was the technical program co-chair for IEEE Wiopt 2006, IEEE Infocom 2007, ACM MobiHoc 2007, and DRCN 2015, and general co-chair of Wiopt 2021. He had served on the IEEE Fellows committee in 2014 and 2015, and is a Fellow of the IEEE and an Associate Fellow of the AIAA.
PostDoc Fellows
Graduate Students
- Jack Capper
- Jeff Darin
- Jerrod Wigmore
- Nick Jones
- Chirag Rao
- Quang Nguyen
- Sathwik Chadaga
- Vallabh Ramakanth
- Dan Wu, Currently at MIT.
- Rahul Singh, member of technical staff at Intel
- Yu-Pin Hsu, Assistant Professor, National Taipei University
- Chih-Ping Li, Qualcomm
- Georgios Paschos, Amazon
- Hulya Seferoglu, Associate Professor, University of Illinois, Chicago.
- Hyang-Won Lee, Associate Professor, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
- Krishna Jagannathan, Associate Professor, Indian Istitute of Technology, Madras, India
- Gil Zussman, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Columbia University
- Long Le, Professor at INRS, Montreal, Canada
Former Ph.D Students
Poompat (Tengo) Saengudomlert, “Architectural Study of High-Speed Networks with Optical Bypassing,” August 2002. (co-advised with Robert Gallager). Assocaite Professor, Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Alvin Fu, “Energy Allocation for communication Satellites,” January 2003. (co-advised with John Tsitsiklis).
Anand Ganti, “Transmission Scheduling for satellite and wireless Systems,” January 2003. (co-advised with John Tsitsiklis). Currently at Sandia National Labs.
Mike Neely, “Dynamic Routing and Power Allocation in Satellite and Wireless Networks with Time Varying Channels,“ December 2003. Professor, University of Southern California.
Chunmei Liu, “Cross-Layer Protocol Interactions in Heterogeneous Data Networks,” December 2004. Currently at National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST).
Li Wei Chen, “Dynamic Resource Allocation in WDM Networks with Optical Bypass and Waveband Switching,” August 2005. Currenltly at Akamai.
Andrew Brzezinski, “Dynamic Reconfiguration and Routing in IP-over-WDM Networks with stochastic Traffic,” June 2007. Currently at Fidelity Investments.
Jun Sun,“Dynamic Channel Allocation for Satellite Networks,” June 2007. Currently, Member of Technical Staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Murtaza Zafer, “Energy Efficient Transmission Scheduling with Quality of Service Constraints,” June 2007. Currently at Nyansa inc. (now with VMware).
Anand Srinivas, “Architectures and Algorithms for Network Self Organization in Mobile Wireless Networks,” June 2007. Founder at Nyansa inc. (now with VMware).
Emily Craparo, “Cooperative Exploration Under Communication Constraints,” August, 2008. Currently Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School.
Krishna Jagannathan, “Asymptotic Performance of Queue Length Based Network Control Policies,” August 2010. Currently Associate Professor, Indian Istitute of Technology, Madras, India
Kayi Lee “Survivability in Layered Networks,” January 2011. Currently at Google.
Sebastiann Neumayer, “On the Robustness of Network Infrastructures to Disasters and Physical Attacks,” August 2012. Currently Assistant Professor at the University of Alaska, Anchorage.
Guner celik, “Scheduling algorithms for throughput maximization in time-varying networks with reconfiguration delays,” August, 2012.
Mihalis Markakis, “Scheduling in Switched Queueing Networks with Heavy-Tailed Traffic, June 2013. Currently Assistant Professor, University of Navarra, Spain.
Greg Kuperman, “Network Protection with Service Guarantees” June 2013. Currently program manager at DARPA.
Nathan Jones, “Practical Algorithms for Distributed Network Control,” August 2013. Currently at Google.
Matt Johnston, “The Role of Control Information in Wireless Link Scheduling,” December 2014. Currently at Google.
Marzieh Parandehgheibi, “Modeling and Mitigating Cascading Failures in Interdependent Power Grids and Communication Networks,” May 2016. Currently at NEC Labs.
Abhishek Sinha, “Optimal Control for Wireless Networks,” August, 2017. Currently Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-Madras).
Thomas Stahlbuhk, “Control of Wireless Networks Under Uncertain State Information,” June 2018. Currently member of technical staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Qingkai Liang, “Network Optimization in Adversarial Environments,” August 2018. Co-founder at Celer Networks (https://www.celer.network)
Jianan Zhang, “Modeling, Analysis and Control of Interdependent Networks,” August 2018. Currently at Google.
Anurag Rai, “Towards Practical Policies for Network Control,” August 2018. Currently at Kensho Technologies.
Rajat Talak, “Information Exchange and Robust Learning Algorithms for Networked Autonomy,” August 2020. (co-advised with Sertac Karaman). Currently Research Scientist at MIT.
Igor Kadota, “Age-of-Information in Wireless Networks: Theory and Implementation,” August 2020. Currently assistant Professor at Northwestern University..
Xinzhe Fu, “Learning-NUM: Utility Maximization in Stochastic Queueing Networks,” September 2022. Currently at Five Rings Capital LLC.
Bai Liu, “Optimal Control for Uncooperative Networks,” December 2022. Currently at Google.
Vishrant Tripathi, “Information Freshness for Monitoring and Control over Wireless Networks,” August 2023. Currently assistant Professor at Purdue University.
Xinyu Wu, “Analysis and Optimization of Networks in Overload,” February 2024.
Former Master’s Students
- Brant, Dmitry, “Threshold Schemes for Optical Flow Switching,” June, 1999.
- Melahn Parker, “Broadband Satellite Constellation Design and Evaluation,” June 2001.
- Tatsuki Kashitani, “Development and Application of an Analysis Methodology for Satellite Broadband Network Architectures,” June, 2002.
- Hungjen Wang, “Routing Policy on Robustness in WDM Optical Networks,” January 2002.
- Ashwinder Ahluwalia, “Distributed Construction of Energy Efficient Ad Hoc Wireless Broadcast Trees,” January 2002.
- Jun Sun, “Routing and Capacity provisioning for Low Earth Orbit satellite constellations with both circuit and packet traffic,” August, 2002.
- Dan Kan, “Design of Survivable IP-over-WDM Networks: Providing Protection and Restoration at the Electronic Layer,” June 2003.
- Murtaza Zafer, “Blocking probability analysis and channel assignment algorithms for wireless networks,” August 2003.
- Sonia Jain, “Enhancing the Performance of TCP over Satellite Links,” June, 2003.
- Anand Srinivas, “Reliability and Energy Efficiency in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” June, 2004.
- Amir Khandani, “Cooperative Routing in Wireless Networks,” June, 2004.
- Danjie Chen, “Minimum Energy Path Planning for Ad Hoc Networks“, June 2005.
- Krishna Jagannathan, “Efficient Scheduling of Multi-User Multi-Antenna Systems,” August 2006.
- Wajahat Khan, Autonomous Routing Algorithms for Networks with Wide-Spread Failures, August, 2008.
- Guner Celik, “Medium Access Schemes for Ultra-wideband Networks,” August 2007.
- Ryan Kingsbury, “Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks for Oceanic Aircraft Communications,” August 2009.
- Matt Johnston, “A Robust Optimization Approach to Network Design,” August 2010
- Karim Liman-Tinguiri, “Using Importance Sampling to Simulate Netwokrs with Heavy Tailed Service Tiem Distributions,” August 2011.
- Marzieh Parandehgheib, “Survivable paths in multilayer networks,” June, 2012.
- Zach Bunting, “Improving Performance through Topology Management and Wireless Scheduling in Military Multi-hop Radio Networks,” June 2013.
- Kyu Soeb Kim, “Transmission Scheduling with Deadline and Throughput Constraints,” August 2013.
- Jianan Zhang, “Enhancing Network Robustness via Shielding,” September 2014
- Qingkai Liang, “Survivability of Time-varying Networks,” June 2015
- Igor Kadota, “Transmission Scheduling of Periodic Real-Time Traffic in Wireless Networks,” September 2016.
- Ruihao Zhu, “Learning to Route Efficiently with End-to-End Feedback: The Value of (Identifiable) Networked Structure,” September 2018.
- Bai Liu, “Reinforcement Learning in Network Control,” June 2019.
- Vishrant Tripathi, “Age of Information and Mobility,” June 2019.
- Ertem Nusret Tas,“ Co-flow Scheduling in Data Center Networks,” August 2019.
- Xinyu Wu, “An Influence Model Approach to Failure Cascade Prediction,” August 2020
- Georgia (Gina) Dimaki, “Dynamic Node Clustering in Hierarchical Optical Data Center Network Architectures,” August 2020.
- Jerrod Wigmore, “Network Reliability Analysis under the Multivariate Normal Model,” August 2021.
- Nick Jones, “Optimizing Random Access for Information Freshness in Spatially Distributed Wireless Networks,” August 2022.
- Chirag Rao, “Age of Information for Broadcast and Collection in Spatially Distributed Wireless Networks,” August 2022.
- Quang Nguyen, “Optimal Control for Wireless Software Defined Networks: Theory and Implementation,” August 2022.
- Sathwik Chadaga, “Power Failure Cascade Prediction using Machine Learning,” August 2023.